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We recommend that you book your appointments in advance. We can schedule for the entire year so that you never miss an appointment. We recommend, in order to maintain the cleanliness of your cat’s coat, to schedule your grooming appointments at least every 3 months. Most appointments, of a cat in good coat condition are completed between 60-90 minutes. Times may fluctuate depending on services requested and the temperament of the cat. If you call to make an appointment during regular business hours, we may be working with a client and unable to get to the phone. Please leave a message or send an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for understanding

Cancellation Policy

The Dapper Cat requires a 48 hour notice for cancellations or rescheduled appointments. If a cancellation occurs under the 48 hours the $45 charge, per cat, will be applied. More than two cancellations or reschedules will require a prepaid, non-refundable deposit of $65 prior to scheduling your following appointment.


No Show Policy

Because we are offer mobile grooming services, if we show up for a scheduled appointment and there is not an adult present for the grooming session, we are unable to fill that time slot with another appointment.

After a no show has occurred, all appointments must be paid in advance in addition to the $65 no show feet. No exceptions.


Traveling Fee

Traveling over 20 miles one way will incur a $25 travelling fee



We accept cash, checks, paypal and credit cards. Payment will be made upon completion of the groom unless other pre-payment options are utilized. Any additional charges due to Matting, Pelting, ect will be advised within the first 10-15 minutes of shaving. Return check fee of $50 will be charged


The Dapper Cat will complete the majority, if not all, of the grooming in a bathroom. Please provide a bathroom that does not have carpet and has had the little box removed. It is also important to have a door that can open fully and close completely.



The Dapper Cat does not utilize loops or retrain cats in an inhumane manner. At times, the Air Muzzle will be utilized for highly aggressive or fearful cats. The Air Muzzle was developed by a veterinarian. It is lightweight and allows the cat the ability to breathe and see while providing safety for the cat and the groomer. If the owner does not allow the use of an Air Muzzle the grooming will stop and the payment is due in full. The Air Muzzle is utilized only when all other options have been exhausted.


In the rare event of an injury or illness, The Dapper can will immediately inform you and begin administering medical aide. If necessary, The Dapper Cat will transport you and your cat to the nearest qualified veterinarian for continued care. Upon admittance, you will be responsible for any health issues present before or resulting from grooming.


Parasites & Fungus


If you suspect your cat has fleas please go to the vet and have your cat treated and also have your home treated. Because we bring all of our equipment into your home, things such as fleas and ringworm are easily transported from home to home. This is something we absolutely MUST avoid. If The Dapper Cat is not informed of fleas a fee upwards of $250 will incur. All appointments for the day will have to be rescheduled so proper sterilization procedures can take place. Once treated, you may schedule an appointment with The Dapper Cat to bathe and groom your cat.


If ringworm is suspected The Dapper Cat will be unable to service your home. Ringworm is highly transferable and spores can survive in the home for up to 2 years.


Matting and Pelting

When removing severely matted and pelted coats we use extreme caution. Even so, there is a risk of cuts or abrasions due to the inability to see skin irregularities such as moles or skin folds caught in the mats. Removing the mats may reveal skin irritations or sores due to moisture buildup under the skin. If your cat will be going outside please utilize sunscreen or keep indoors until the hair has grown back enough to provide protection from the sun.
There will be an additional charge for mat and pelt removal due to the extra time involved in the process.


We will never shave your cat without your approval. We recommend shaving only when it is absolutely necessary. Cats need their fur to keep warm in the winter and to keep cool in the summer. When shaving an animal, there is a chance that the coat will not re-grow or may grow at a much slower rate. This chance may increase with age or with the existence of pre-existing conditions. It is the preference of The Dapper Cat to only shave a cat to the skin when absolutely necessary. Cat’s have very thin skin and thus increases the risk for injury.



The Dapper Cat has full authorization to utilize all pictures taken for the website, social media, and/or promotional materials. Your personal information will not be published.
